The iconic chairs of the NO | BE ITALIA collection

Le sedie iconiche della collezione NO|BE ITALIA sono elementi caratterizzati dalla forte ricerca formale estetica. Dalle geometrie elementari si compongono delle sedie che possono essere lette in differenti modi. Pendolo e Mongolia rappresentano un esemplificazione del concetto di seduta, come elemento creatore di spazio e di momenti. Il rigore stilistico diventa fondamento del nuovo concetto spaziale.
The iconic chairs of the NO | BE ITALIA collection are elements characterized by a strong formal aesthetic research. From elementary geometries, chairs are made up that can be read in different ways. Pendulum and Mongolia represent an exemplification of the concept of sitting, as an element that creates space and moments. Stylistic rigor becomes the foundation of the new spatial concept.
The iconic chairs of the NO | BE ITALIA collection are elements characterized by a strong formal aesthetic research. From elementary geometries, chairs are made up that can be read in different ways. Pendulum and Mongolia represent an exemplification of the concept of sitting, as an element that creates space and moments. Stylistic rigor becomes the foundation of the new spatial concept.